Embedded Tutorials

Guidelines for Authors

Embedded tutorials address important and trendy topics that are of strong interest to the ETS participants. The are given in sessions of one-hour time duration. Proposals for embedded tutorials should use a specific template.

Prospective authors should submit a one or two-page abstract outlining the following:

  • Embedded tutorial scope and topic(s).
  • The objectives and relevance of the proposed tutorial to ETS.
  • A list of presenters and their biographies.

By means of submission, tutorial presenters agree to register for and participate in ETS'22, in case the submission is accepted.

Key Dates for Submissions (Midnight, AoE)

Submission Website

Proposals for embedded tutorials should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file. Please, access to the submission link and select option "05" at the "Summary Submission" menu.

We appreciate if you can fill the following survey before your submission. Thank you.


Upon acceptance, the presenters in each embedded tutorial session can prepare a single paper up to 10 pages to be included in the formal proceedings.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact the Embedded Tutorials Chairs: